Monday, July 21, 2008

Rochester Mentioned in WSJ

A July 14th article in the Wall Street Journal cites Rochester as one of the markets where prices "have held relatively firm or risen modestly through the Big Burst" that has occured in other parts of the country.

The article also provides useful tips to bring about a successful sale -- tips that can be utilized in any market. One of the suggestions advises against trying to time the market, stating "You won't have any better luck than a stock trader who's always holding out for the market highs or lows."

My brother and sister-in-law benefited from the "boom" in San Diego, having purchased a condo that sold sight-unseen with multiple offers submitted for more than double their purchase price. Problem now, they're in Sacramento where the market has completely bottomed out and their house is worth much less than what they purchased it for. Fortunately, they plan to stay put for a while so, as with the stock market, it's not a "loss" until you actually sell.

Bottom line, if you're looking to sell or buy, contrary to what the media may report, it's still a good market. The key to a successful sale in any market, as mentioned in the article, is to hire a top real estate agent and "Promote, promote, promote." Simply putting a house in the MLS doesn't often lead to a sale -- it takes creative marketing and getting your house in front of as many prospective buyers as possible.

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