Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Unexpected Money and Energy Saving Tips

Are you worried about your energy bill for the upcoming winter season? We've provided you with some simple and suprising tips to help cut down your costs:

Give your water heater a blanket:
This may seem ridiculous, but using a fiberglass insulation blanket to add an extra layer can reduce your heat loss and reduce your water-heating bill up to 9%.

DO use the dishwasher:
You may think that you are being efficient is using energy by doing dishes by hand, but the dishwasher actually uses 1/3 less hot water, which then reduces the water-heater's energy bill.

Use an ice tray:
The internal ice maker in your fridge can increase energy usage up to 20%! Stop using it and make ice the old fashioned way.

Install motion sensitive lights:
If you or anyone in your family forgets to turn this lights off this is a great energy saver that will run you $15-$50 a light. The sensor will detect when the room is vacant and the lights will turn off.

Get more light from lamps in the corner:
Replace your current lamp's bulb with a lower wattage bulb, it is not a noticeable different. Place the lamp in a corner to let the light reflect off of the surrounding walls, which will make your room look lighter and brighter.

1 comment:

airheat pumps said...

These are wonderful and helpful tips. I will surely recommend this to my friends.