Saturday, April 21, 2012

3 Reasons to Buy Now!

Are you on the fence about buying a home? Not sure if now is the time? Here are 3 benefits as to why buying a home is a GREAT idea!

Equity Building
Of course there are many different variables when it comes to a home loan, but rates are still really low making it easier for you to build equity faster. One thing home buyers may choose to do is go with a shorter term (such as 15 years). This allows them to pay off the loan sooner and with low interest rates, some are even opting to pay more on their monthly payment. When you combine all of that you are building equity in your home faster and saving a considerable amount on interest!

Tax Deduction
Even though many of you already know, the taxes you pay on your home are actually deductible when it comes to those dreaded taxes. This mostly applies to your first home and a vacation home but you can actually find detailed information about it by clicking here and going right to the IRS website!

Remember walking into your friend's home right after they bought it? What about helping them paint rooms and remodel the bathroom? You may have thought, "Wow...this would be so fun. I could change things and it would be mine! I could do whatever I wanted!" Well now is your chance! Inside to out, there are many things you can do to make a house a home and take pride in every aspect. So call Nothnagle REALTORS today and we can help make it happen for you!

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